Sunday, August 10, 2014

1+1+1=111 or 0.. But how?? Through Three Monks Story

Instead of making Collective effort to work in a team, it is basic human nature to try off load his work to other team members. A dispute can arise in a team so the coordination between the team members is very vital for its success. This is taught through three Monks story. Be prepared, as towards the end of the movie shows how "A team can move mountain, when an Individual cannot move a stone!"

A well coordinated team can do wonder

This film was shown by our OBHR professor Dr T Prasad during one of the lectures.
Three Monks no water to drink is a Chinese animated featured film directed by A Da and produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio's productions. It has won awards at film festivals throughout the world.
This film is based on the ancient Chinese proverb "One monk will shoulder two buckets of water; two monks will share the load, but add a third and no one will want to fetch water."

Link to the movie..

Analysis of the Movie :

Scene 1 : When only 1 monk lived
A young monk lives a simple and happy life on the moutains. He fetches two buckets of water daily on his shoulders from a stream down the hill. Rain or shine, he never misses a day lugging this burden up the mountain to the temple.

Scene 2 : When second Monk moved in
Initially both the monks fought over how they would carry the water. Since they will share the water, they descend the mountain together to fetch it. Due to the difference in their heights, the men are unable to balance the shared load on their carrying pole without sloshing the contents of the two buckets all over the short monk. Finally, first monk came with scale and center of the bamboo was located. No further quarrels occurred but none of them seemed satishfied working together.

Scene 3 : When the third monk arrived
This was the point when all the dynamics changed. No one was ready to fetch water from down the hill stream. Infact, 3rd monk once brought the water from the foothills but consumed it all by himself. This was a perfect example of a selfish employee who is least bothered about the well being of his colleagues.

Scene 4 : Climax
One night, a rat comes to scrounge and then knocks the candle holder, leading to a devastating fire in the temple. At the time of fire, though all three came together to save the temple. Initially, there was lack of planning and coordination but finally they were able to extinguish the fire through cooperation, patience and planning.

Scene 5 : Happy Ending
After the disaster, they coordinated among each other and came with innovation pulley and rope arrangement to fetch water.

Key learnings - 
1. Disputes and conflicts are bound to arise but they need to be minimized so as to make the most out of the available resources
2. Everyone is capable of being selfish, but doing so diminishes our ability to cooperate with one another.
3. Every team comprises of people with different attributes and quality. This difference has to be channelized for the greater good.
4. Team work and coordination is the key to success.
5. Work load is drastically reduced and productivity is improved with innovation and proper coordination.Thus the management of any company should focus on technological advancement so as to increase efficiency and productivity.

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